Authorizing Agency
Marcum-Illinois Union School District is the LEA authorizing agency for South Sutter Charter School.
South Sutter Charter School (SSCS) is a WASC accredited charter school managed by Innovative Education Management (IEM). The school is part of the IEM family of parent choice charter schools that thousands of families have chosen for their children in grades K through 12 since 1993. IEM-managed charter schools have graduated over 13,000 students. SSCS was approved as an independent study charter by the California Department of Education in 2005. The school serves students in Sutter, Butte, Colusa, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo, and Yuba counties.
South Sutter Charter website
Local Control Accountability Plans
South Sutter Charter LCAP 17-18
South Sutter Charter LCAP 18-19
South Sutter Charter LCAP 19-20
South Sutter Charter LCAP 20-21
South Sutter Charter BOP
South Sutter Charter LCAP 21-22